Askifou-E4-Sideroporti-Rousiés-Modaki-Katsiveli-E4- Xyloskalo-Omalos-Koustogherako-Sougia-Lissos-Palaiochora
A track which was done between the end on May and the beginning of June in 2016. Although my itinerary was very ambicious, we did not fulfil it totaly - didn't reach summits of Bournelos and Stérnes, whereas climbing the summit of Askifiotiko Soros was a facultative one depending on immediate state (weather+bodies) and our decisions. However, we were on the summit of Páchnes and Melindanou, and what retained (at least for me) in my mind strongestly was the (repeating) way through the area of Pavlia Harlara from Sidoroporti (E4 under Grias Soros) toward the road from Anopoli. I consider this way to be one of the most exciting and nicest in Madares, the heart of Levka Ori. There are in legends under photos several mentions, or references to our holiday in 03-2015 when we hiked along the same way at first, but with rather high snow-drifts underfeet. These submitted photos and these from last year can be good for comparison how high snow can be in Levka Ori (see the folder "Askifou-Tavri-Niátos-etc.....-Sfakia; don't get confused for a fotder with a similar name - "Askifou-Niátos-Kalli Laki-etc....- Chóra Sfakia).