In Crete, there is for one hour more, in comparison with Central Europe!!
weather forecast for Chania for 14 days (northern coast) here
weather on the summit of Volakias (calculated value only, no meteo-station on its summit, 2014 m) here,
weather in Chania (northern coast) here,
weather in Sfakia (southern coast) here,
weather in Palaiochora (southern coast) here,
weather forecast for mountain village southward Psiloritis Mountains (573 m) is here,
weather at Xyloskalo (Omalos Plain, meteo-station above the entrance into the Samaria Gorge at approx. 1250 m) here,
sea temperature (Aegean Sea) here,
up-to-date meteo-stations and forecast for many places on Crete here,
This non-commercial website is not destined for those who like to spend their leisure time in Crete Island laying on beaches or drinking in pubs, bars, and discos but for those who like to do some physical activities in the countryside. More such possibilities, Levka Ori (White Mountains), a mountain area in the western half of Crete, can provide. These mountains are taking a considerable part of this half of the island. I’m fascinated with them despite the fact these mountains are not too large, too high, too wild, not with very steep nor with very rocky terrains for “rope-climbing” (although even such ones could be found here!!)..... Because I didn't find any compact details concerning hiking throughout these mountains several years ago, I mean, details concerning treks disposal, marking of routes, proper maps etc., I decided to create my own website (with my hiking experience and with links to other suitable websites) to help other interested persons who would like to explore this part of the island, to enjoy staying and hiking here both in the mountains and on the informal, uncrowded “camping-sites” of southern shore under their southern flanks. Of course, how the time has been running, the number of suitable information has risen and recently everybody can find so many details requested how many are necessary. However, if this my website can be helpful just for one person, I’ll be delighted. For communication, for chatting, for asking answers, please, use my contact email address (see in the menu folder "Contact me").
More details concerning Crete you can get also on
On this website, also some general information about the history, geology and geography, about the weather and some “miscellanies” (concerning sleeping in the mountains, water supplies and next) can be found. And there are, of course, also descriptions of all my “big” tracks (lasted for several days, with spending at least 2 nights sleeping somewhere in mountains but usually more) here. These descriptions are accompanied by, I think, a quite rich photo gallery.
One more note: There is also GPS records disposal, either in a shape od several-days-track, but later I have started doing records of single days because this style gives more possibilities how to arrange (an) own track(s). However, these records are only in Czech version available, so for those who would like to download some of them it is recommended to click on the Czech flag (up-left), find the folder "GPS" and even though all the text is in Czech, I think, to orientate oneself is rather easy. There are in red (for more-days-tracks) descriptions of all places across which that certain track runs, or - for single-day-record - also these are highlighted and their names clearly point to two (start/finish) places.